Monday, February 17, 2020

Inspiration from the already existing

For the film introduction I needed inspiration,and as I said before from the genres that I chose to focus on, I continued my research and brainstorming through watching all the introductions from the most memorable films I have watched. Including:

  • The Graduate
  • Love Story
  • American Beauty
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
  • Across the Universe
  • Shrek 2
  • Crazy Stupid Love
  • 500 Days of Summer
  • Dirty Dancing
  • Les Miserables
  • The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  • The Godfather
  • Grease
  • Instructions not Included, etc..

Even though I love every single one of these films in order to get inspired on, I got to narrow my favorites into three
methods to make the introduction of a film from my favorite techniques, and my favorite examples.

1)Introduction of a character through the patterns or habits and explanation of their present:
To me an interesting manner of introducing a character is through his/her habits not necessarily through their everyday routines but rather through the demonstration of what they do, that highly demonstrates the person's character and priorities. A great example for this technique is the introduction from the Mexican film: Instructions not Included (2013). This film is definitely one of saddest and funnest films I have ever seen, and it is sad that it does not have much recognition since it is foreign and originally in Spanish. However, the film introduces the main character Valentin by first showing how his father challenged him in his childhood with the purpose to prepare him from the fears of life but it rather traumatized him, and developed his conduct of never been able to commit just to one woman. This story is shown by introducing first Valentin's childhood, and then contrasting it to his current life. In addition the idea of him not been able to commit to one woman, is made through a sequential scene of all the women he has hang out with, and ends with the one night stand that marked his life, introducing the issue of the story.

                                          [Instructions not Included (2013)]

2) Exposing all issues or start of a pivotal moment:

Films that possess many characters in which the story is going to be about, are interesting films to watch since they keep you constantly receiving information from the things they go through and how it all adds up to a main idea, or final result of their stories on how would connect or compare. There are many great examples for this method but for me the intro of Crazy Stupid Love is the most memorable on this; within the introduction, in a comedic manner they introduce the issues of most of the characters but the main reason why this introduction is so memorable is by how the film since the beginning demonstrates the event in which the film will develop on, how Emily (Julianne Moore), asks for a divorce to her husband Cal (Steve Carrel) in an uncomfortable manner, causing the situation to be awkwardly funny. This scene is memorable and sets a whole theme and humor throughout the film; and to complement the scene, the story continues by showing the love issues in which the son of Caleb and Emily has to go through since he is secretly in love with his babysitter and the babysitter is also secretly in love but with the Caleb, who is way older from the babysitter who is a highschooler. As I explain, the main issues of the film, it first seems hard to be understood and also looks as if this was the climax of the story; it is but it is introduced since the beginning; therefore, the controversial stories, events and secrets are exposed since the beginning because these moments are all introductions of the most vulnerable parts of the characters in which the story is going to be about.

[Crazy Stupid Love (2011)]

3) And lastly, the thematic song and the flashback story:

My ast example and method will be from the iconic film of Love Story, this film is mainly recognized by the sad story of how Oliver lost the love of his life, and also by the iconic theme song that is played through the saddest moments of the story. Again, I have not spoiled to you guys, what the film is about since this is the introduction of the story; and it is done by first the theme song introducing the character's situation, and the character's voice over explaining why such grief, and who was the love of his life whom passed away. Afterwards, the story starts on how the met and the story goes on but even though, the introduction said what would happened to Oliver's lover, Jenny; it is still expected for her to survive, and the ending is hurtful due to the story and theme song (that according to my parents it had such an impact in their culture, that every time the song was played in the radio, they were able to cry). As a result, this film introduction sets the tone for the rest of the film, been an interesting choice in order to intrigue the audience by first showing the worst moments of the main character, and then showing what happened, making the audience also be hurt, as they get to know the story.

[Love Story (1970)]

As a result, I want my film intro to possess scenes that explains the conducts of the main character either through flashbacks or through a pivotal moment of their lifes; in addition the film opening could possess the voice over of the main character describing his condition or other's, or this could be even achieved by presenting the scene with a song that speaks for the character from the tone or lyrics; and lastly, an important aspect that I want my intro to possess is to be memorable and relevant for the development of the story because it is this way in which a film could be likable from the beginning to end, in order to be memorable to it's audiences.

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